These are the courses that have been approved for international studies major in the past and for the current and coming semester. We have also included language courses and certain relevant lower-division courses in the list. You can refine your search by selecting a term, region, theme, instructor, and/or meeting time to the left. You can also refine the list on the fly by clicking directly on an instructor's name, a schedule, or a Croft region or theme. The selectors currently refining your search will appear below and can be cleared if you click on them. Note that this listing is subject to change, and where it conflicts with what is shown on my.olemiss, the information on my.olemiss is correct. If you are not an international studies major or minor and would like to request permission to take an Inst 300-level class, use our Inst 300-level interest form.
Asynchronous, Online
Multiple Sections Avaliable
Multiple Sections Available
Multiple Sections Available