Croft News
July 6, 2016

International Studies Postdoctoral Teaching Scholar at NC State

North Carolina State University is seeking applications for a Postdoctoral Teaching Scholar position in international studies beginning August 16.  The successful candidate will preferably have experience as a teaching assistant or instructor, mentoring students, and a specific research agenda that aligns with one of the graduate degree granting departments. Motivation to teach, mentor, conduct and publish research is expected. The Postdoctoral Teaching Scholar will teach one Introduction to International Studies course each semester, and one course per semester in their respective home department (for a total teaching load of 2-2) and serve as a Scholar-in-Residence in the Alexander Global Village living and learning community. 

The Teaching Scholar must also complete NC State’s Certificate in Teaching Techniques. <https://grad.ncsu.edu/research/opa/professional-development>.

The successful candidate will also pursue their own individual research agenda and be guided by a faculty mentor in their respective field. A research presentation given once a year will summarize progress in this arena and should result in one or more publications.  In addition, mentoring will be part of this position’s responsibilities in terms of working with undergraduate/graduate students during office hours and other appropriate times outside of classroom instruction.

This appointment provides a furnished one-bedroom apartment, including all utilities, located in the Alexander Global Village on NC State’s central campus. The postdoctoral scholar will serve as a Scholar-in-Residence in exchange for occasional program facilitation, and the International Studies course (maximum of 19 students) is taught in this living and learning community each semester. < https://housing.dasa.ncsu.edu/villages/global-village>

Qualifications: Ph.D. in one of the graduate degree granting departments of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences,or closely related field, awarded no more than five years from date of postdoctoral appointment. Scholarly background in at least one of the concentrations of the International Studies major is also a requirement. <http://ids.chass.ncsu.edu/is>

How to apply: NCSU now requires all applications to be initiated electronically. To apply, visit  http://jobs.ncsu.edu/postings/70193 and click “Apply to this vacancy.” Applications should include a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and teaching evaluations. In addition, three letters of recommendation should also be submitted to Jeannette Rogers, Program Search Assistant (jsroger3@nccsu.edu). Information requests may be addressed to Dr. Seth Murray, seth_murray@ncsu.edu, Search Committee Chair.

Review of candidates will begin July 6, 2016 and will continue until the position is filled.

AA/EOE. In addition, NC State welcomes all persons without regard to sexual orientation.