The College of Liberal Arts sets general education requirements that every student in the College must meet in order to graduate. The list below shows those requirements as adapted for students in the Croft Institute for International Studies who expect to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree in the International Studies major.
Writing (6 credit hours)
Approved courses for the English requirements are:
Writing (one from each line):
Writ 101 (First-Year Writing I)
Writ 102 (First-Year Writing II) or Liba 102 (First Year Seminar)
Honors College students are required to take Hon 101 and Hon 102.
Literature (6 credit hours)
Literature (any two of the following):
Eng 220 (Survey in Literary History)
Eng 221 (Survey of World Literature to 1650)
Eng 222 (Survey of World Literature since 1650)
Eng 223 (Survey of American Literature to the Civil War)
Eng 224 (Survey of American Literature since the Civil War)
Eng 225 (Survey of British Literature to the 18th Century)
Eng 226 (Survey of British Literature since the Romantic Period)
International Studies majors are required to take a course in their chosen foreign language every semester they are enrolled. Exceptions are made only for native speakers of a language other than English. Students with an East Asian regional concentration may choose either Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. Those concentrating on Europe may choose French, German, Italian, Russian, or Spanish. Students focusing on Latin America may choose between Spanish or Portuguese, and those studying the Middle East must study Arabic.
Any history course satisfies this requirement. International Studies majors typically fulfill this requirement with upper-division history courses that are approved for their regional concentration in the major.
Students who are not confident about their background in modern history are encouraged to take Hst 120 (History of Europe since 1648) in their freshman year.
Approved humanities courses are:
Any African American Studies (AAS) course
Any non-language Classics (Clc) course
Any Gender Studies (Gst) course not cross-listed with a social science course, for example 103, 201, 311, 333, or 390
Any Philosophy (Phil) or Religion (Rel) course
Southern Studies (Sst) 101 or 102
Liba 305 (Humanities and the Experience of War)
Honors (Hon) 101 or 102 (if not used to fulfill the writing requirements)
Approved fine arts courses are:
Any Art History (AH) course
Mus 101 (Introduction to Music Literature)
Mus 102 (Fundamentals of Music Theory)
Mus 103 (Introduction to Music)
Mus 104 (Introduction to World Music Cultures)
Danc 200 (Dance Appreciation)
Thea 201 (Appreciation of the Theatre)
Thea 202 (Introduction to Cinema)
Liba 130 (Introduction to the Fine Arts)
Note that performance courses (including orchestra or band) do not fulfill this requirement.
International Studies majors are required to complete one mathematics course. The specific math course will be chosen with the approval of their advisor.
Two natural science courses must be in the same area of science and the third course must be in a different area of science. Two of the science courses must have a lab. The areas of natural science are:
Astronomy (Astr), Physics (Phys), Biology (Bisc), Chemistry (Chem), and Geology (Geol). Students make also take Integrated Science (Liba 150 and 151) as one of their sciences.
Students who choose either Astronomy or Physics as one of their areas must choose the other from outside the department of Physics and Astronomy, i.e., they must chose Biology, Chemistry, Geology, or Integrated Science as their second area.
International Studies majors are required to take Economics (Econ) 202 (Principles of Microeconomics) and Econ 203 (Principles of Macroeconomics), which fulfills the social science requirement.
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