Jessica BrewerClass of 2010

Information Assurance Engineer at Lockheed Martin in Denver, CO

Croft prepared me with the requisite skills to not only land a job, but to succeed and get noticed by executive management. I'll be entering graduate school in the fall and wouldn't feel nearly as confident without the strong quantitative and qualitative analysis and writing skills that Croft fostered in me over the course of my undergraduate studies. I'm forever grateful to the staff, professors, and fellow Crofties who helped make my experience so memorable!

B.A. in International Studies, 2010East Asia and Social and Cultural Identity
M.S. in Information Security Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon University, 2019
Career History
Study Abroad Coordinator for International Studies Abroad in Austin, TX
Senior Study Abroad Manager for International Studies Abroad in Austin, TX
English Teacher at Shuangliu Experimental Middle School in Chengdu, China
Croft Alumni Profiles